Opt-in eligibility happens when providers meet 1-2 of the low-volume threshold criteria, but not all 3. To report successfully, providers need to choose whether they'll report fully to get a MIPS payment adjustment or become a voluntary reporter with no risk. You can see the opt-in eligibility status at CMS' participation status tool.
The details below will show you how to navigate the opt-in screens in MIPSpro when you're ready to submit for the current performance year.
Step 1: Reporting eligibility warning message
After you click submit and attest with your digital signature, you'll see the message below.
There are 2 reasons you might see this message:
1. You've entered the incorrect TIN for your provider or practice. This is rare but possible.
2. You're considered to be opt-in eligible by CMS. The rest of this article assumes you are opt-in eligible and walks you through the decision to opt in or out of reporting for the current performance year.
1. Click CHECK OPT-IN ELIGIBILITY to advance to the next screen, which will communicate your opt-in status.
Step 2: The Opt-In Eligibility Status screen
1. This checkbox notifies you that opt-in reporting is irreversible. Once you make a decision, you're committed to it for the submission year.
2. Clicking ONLY REPORT VOLUNTARILY means you won't be subject to the payment adjustment.
3. Clicking OPT-IN AND SUBMIT TO CMS means you want to be considered MIPS-eligible and scored under the usual scoring and payment-adjustment rules.
4. Clicking NOT RIGHT NOT defers your decision until later.
Step 3: Finalize your selection
The next screen will display a confirmation screen for whichever option you selected in Step 2. Because your choice at this stage is irrevocable, we ensure the choice you've made is the one you want.
This article was updated Jan. 7, 2025.