Select and review quality measures in MIPSpro

The My Measures page and Measure Selection page allow you to review all quality measures and select ones that apply to your practice and specialty. You can also determine whether you've met the reporting requirements, which are:

  • Choose 6 measures with 1 outcome or high-priority measure
  • Select a specialty measure set
  • Elect to report through the Eligible Measures Applicability (EMA) process

Reach the My Measures page

1. From your dashboard, click Begin or Continue in the Quality row. 

Quality enter.png

2. Click My Measures


3. Click Select Measures.

Select your measures

The Measure Selection page allows you to view all measures. You can also use filters to narrow your search to measures that most apply to your practice or specialty: 

  • Measure Title
  • Measure Number
  • Codes
  • CMS Measure Set
  • High Priority Measures
  • Outcome Measures
  • Provisional Measures
  • Benchmark Type & Status
  • Topped out benchmarks
  •  Measures Capped at 7 Pts

1. To choose a measure, click Select

2. To remove a measure, click Remove.


Review selection requirements

The Selection Requirements section shows the overall number of measures you've selected and the number of outcome or high-priority measures you've selected. You can select and track more than the 6 measures required by CMS. 

Note for our partners

  • DrChrono users should choose measures they track within DrChrono. You'll be required to document the CPT, ICD-10, HCPCS, and Numerator codes within DrChrono.
  • Flatiron users should choose measures they track within OncoEMR.
  • EZDERM users should choose measures they track within EZDERM.

You can also elect to report fewer than 6 measures by selecting Waive the "Selection Requirements" to report EMA. 

Confirming your EMA eligibility

You should confirm you are eligible to report via EMA before making any changes. Users who report via EMA and aren't eligible won't have their Quality category denominator reweighted.

If you're unsure if you're eligible to report via EMA, contact our Customer Support team for help

To report via EMA

Click Back To My Measures to return to the My Measures page.


Once you've selected your measures, you should complete the Electronic Reporting page and review the Completion Threshold page

This article was updated Dec. 6, 2024.

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